Are you wasting valuable shelving space?

Use our calculator to find out how much space you could save with a Filecorp filing system.

Are your filing cabinets taking up expensive office floor space?

Use our calculator to find out how much space you could recover with a Filecorp filing system.

How much staff time is wasted searching for files?

Use our calculator to find out how much time and money you could save with a Filecorp filing system.

F ilecorp Lateral Filing Systems can save valuable shelving space and office floor space, freeing it up for other uses. The right filing system will also create more efficiencies, resulting in better staff productivity and less time wasted on file searching. Contact one of our consultants today to arrange a free meeting to discuss your office needs and how Filecorp can help you space, time and money.

Use these calculators to discover the possible savings available to your business. Calculations are indicative only.


How much shelving space can I save if I switch from using Lever-arch Folders?

Enter the number of Lever-arch Folders you currently use:



How much floor space could I save if I replaced my filing cabinets?

Enter the number of Filing Cabinets:



How much do misplaced files cost my business in wasted time searching for them?

Enter an approximate staff wage:



Request a Free MeetingIt costs nothing to discuss your needs with one of our Filing Consultants and you may be surprised at the efficiencies and cost savings they can unearth for you.